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Portfolio tutoring for MA application

Do you need help to create an application portfolio for a graduate degree program? 
In this course you'll have face-to-face zoom meetings with your teacher who will review your portfolio process, discuss your projects, and give advice.
After the course, you'll have a clear and interesting portfolio that will open up new possibilities for your future studies.

Live ZOOM course

Starting date

Tailored to your schedule!

Teacher interaction

Feedback and support on your portfolio process

Learning outcome

Successful application portfolio

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Course content

The course is based on independent portfolio process with regular zoom meetings with your teacher, who will review your portfolio, discuss your process and intentions and give advise and tips in how to improve both the layout and your project presentations. You are given examples of successful MA portfolios and after the talks you have a better understanding on how to show your skills, potential and motivation through your own projects.

As you are applying to MA program, you are expected to already have projects and artworks to use in your portfolio. If you need more works, you can discuss the subject and concept of the missing pieces with your teacher.

After the course you have an interesting and clearly communicated portfolio which communicates your skills, interests and motivation to study in your dream graduate program.

Portfolio tutoring 

Our individual tutoring sessions will go on until you are ready to submit your portfolio to your goal university.

Usually it takes 4-8 zoom meetings/emails with c. 1-3 weeks of processing time in between the feedback.

Remember that every process is different, we are here to fit our schedule to yours!
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Study at your own pace

Study at your own pace with support of our professional teachers!

Reach your goals

Increase your chance in being accepted into your dream program!

Get feedback

Get live feedback on your portfolio process!

We have 10+ years of experience with proven results

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